Contact us
For information about patient cards or becoming a qualified medical provider, contact [email protected].
For information about pharmacy licenses, contact [email protected].
From Monday through Friday from 9:00am to 5:00pm, the DHHS Center for Medical Cannabis is available via phone at 801-538-6504 . Please expect up to 2 business days for a response if leaving a voicemail.
Email the DHHS Center for Medical Cannabis
For questions about the Utah medical cannabis program, please contact [email protected].
For information about Utah's industrial hemp program, visit UDAF's Industrial Hemp Page or contact [email protected].
To file a complaint against a medical cannabis facility, complete the Cannabis Facility Complaint Form.
To file a complaint against a recommending medical provider, complete the Department of Health and Human Services Medical Cannabis Complaint Form.
How to submit a GRAMA request
- Go to opens in a new
- Mark the radio box for "By Agency Name (Default)"
- In the "Agency Name" search bar, type in "Center for Medical Cannabis". In the possible search terms, select "Department of Health and Human Services > DHHS Clinical Services > Center for Medical Cannabis"
- Click "Request Records"
Government Records Access and Management Act (GRAMA):
Government has 10 days to respond, 5 days if request is expedited (exceptions apply). Including details such as the location of events(s) described in the record, city, county, date range, names of person(s), and subject of the request will help identify records. The more specific and narrow the request, the easier it will be for an agency or office to respond to the request.
"Record" means: a book, letter, document, paper, map, plan, photograph, film, card, tape, recording, electronic data, or other documentary material regardless of physical form or characteristics:
- That is prepared, owned, received, or retained by a governmental entity or political subdivision
- Where all of the information in the original is reproducible by photocopy or other mechanical or electronic means
"Record" does not mean:
- Information that is unrelated to the conduct of the public’s business
- Material that is legally owned by an individual in the individual’s private capacity
- Material to which access is limited by the laws of copyright or patent unless the copyright or patent is owned by a governmental entity or political subdivision
63G-2-305 – Protected Records, outlines protected records that UDAF will not share:
- Trade secrets
- Disclosure of the information could reasonably be expected to result in unfair competitive injury to the person submitting the information or would impair the ability of the governmental entity to obtain necessary information in the future
- Records, the disclosure of which could cause commercial injury to, or confer a competitive advantage upon a potential or actual competitor of, a commercial project entity
- Records the disclosure of which would jeopardize the life or safety of an individual